Jan 9, 2019
You're in a relationship when you show up with ALL of yourself: The Good. The Bad. The Heinously Ugly. When your partner does the same. And you love each other obscenely, impractically and resiliently.
You're in a relationship when romance is real and practiced, no matter how many seconds or minutes or weeks or years or lifetimes have passed. When you laugh at the Heinously Ugly bits, and they pass on through, because your mutual, unconditional love for each other lets the very best of you rise to the surface.
You're in a relationship when you're unafraid of weirdness. You grow both independently and together. You get in a fight, then say, "I'm sorry. I love you." - and actually mean it. When you both release the hurts, completely, and don't beat yourselves up about giving them, not one bit.
A real relationship is undefinable, ever-changing and possible for anyone who's courageous enough to share 120% of their true selves with another soul that's elated to do the same.