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elyse hughes
Dec 22, 20215 min read
Do I Exist? | How Social Media Affects Self-Perception
My last Instagram post was on August 23rd. My last email newsletter was July 11th, 2020 — yikes. My last Facebook post was on December...

elyse hughes
Jan 9, 20195 min read
A Year Of Cleansing
My favorite way to drink coffee was black with stevia + a lemon ring. I loved powdered greens mixed in cold water with big ice cubes—the...

elyse hughes
May 12, 20172 min read
Social Reset (III of III in the Social Media Detox Series)
I didn’t realize how social media was my go-to gal for avoiding emotional discomfort until we didn’t hang out anymore. I mechanically...

elyse hughes
May 10, 20172 min read
Social Cold Turkey (II of III in the Social Media Detox Series)
I didn’t dip my toe, “ease into it” or begin with balance. I cold turkeyed social media for a month that turned into two. I let my soul...

elyse hughes
May 8, 20172 min read
Social Cleansing (I of III in the Social Detox Series)
I always compared myself to others and cared what people thought. I lived outside my skin, energetically clinging to others so I could...
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