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elyse hughes
Feb 20, 20222 min read
That Kind Of Writer
I stayed up late into the night, devouring The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah, engrossed by the awe, maturity and knowing with which it...

elyse hughes
Dec 22, 20215 min read
Do I Exist? | How Social Media Affects Self-Perception
My last Instagram post was on August 23rd. My last email newsletter was July 11th, 2020 — yikes. My last Facebook post was on December...

elyse hughes
Nov 6, 20213 min read
Sharing, Showing Up & Learning To Live In The Virtual Age
Scratch that. Start over. What can I say? I’m too in my head and I know it. Thinking of who will read this and what they’ll think. I need...

elyse hughes
Sep 25, 20214 min read
A Slower Rise
Sometimes I let the nightmares keep me in bed. I’d be lucid, but not in control, allowing turmoil to play out in front of me, scratching...

elyse hughes
Feb 27, 20203 min read
"Too Much" Authenticity?
As a creative whose brand is storytelling inspired by my very own life, I fear judgement. If I’m honest about the lows, depression,...

elyse hughes
May 12, 20172 min read
Social Reset (III of III in the Social Media Detox Series)
I didn’t realize how social media was my go-to gal for avoiding emotional discomfort until we didn’t hang out anymore. I mechanically...

elyse hughes
May 10, 20172 min read
Social Cold Turkey (II of III in the Social Media Detox Series)
I didn’t dip my toe, “ease into it” or begin with balance. I cold turkeyed social media for a month that turned into two. I let my soul...

elyse hughes
May 8, 20172 min read
Social Cleansing (I of III in the Social Detox Series)
I always compared myself to others and cared what people thought. I lived outside my skin, energetically clinging to others so I could...
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