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elyse hughes
Sep 17, 20225 min read
The Dailies
A gathering of dishes in the sink. The yard begging for water under a scorching desert sun. A litter box of pits and dunes, crusty...

elyse hughes
Nov 7, 20215 min read
The Great Big Wall (V of V in the Friend Breakup Series)
I hadn’t taken into account how wrong I would feel. For all the things I said, or didn’t. I didn’t feel guilty for the things she wanted...

elyse hughes
Oct 29, 20215 min read
Over It Then In It (IV of V in the Friend Breakup Series)
I had a dream that she was telling me off. Then telling me off some more. Securing the last word, yet again. Then the scenery changed to...

elyse hughes
Sep 18, 20213 min read
The Fallout (II of V in the Friend Breakup Series)
Why does the shit stick? Not the times we listened with our heart wide open to catch the other’s pain . . . stopped everything to be...

elyse hughes
Aug 22, 20215 min read
It Was Like A Death (I of V in the Friend Breakup Series)
It hurt to think of her, memory still bloated and raw with pain . . . regret. It was like a death, our breakup. I attempted to soften it...

elyse hughes
Jul 3, 20192 min read
Shedding Vegas Skin
Just like any place you’ve lived for a long time, Las Vegas, for me, is an archive of personal history. It’s that clingy email option to...
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