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elyse hughes
Sep 10, 20235 min read
Going With My Flow
I don’t feel good today. The amount of work I planned out far exceeds my physical capacity. I woke up at 8:23 am and grabbed the bottle...

elyse hughes
Sep 3, 20235 min read
Cloudy With A Chance Of Ennui
When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I want to do is go back to sleep. Because: Sometimes, often I sleep badly and actually...

elyse hughes
Aug 27, 20235 min read
Decompression Mondays
I’d been feeling angsty and in my head, like I was very possibly too tender for this world where everything feels more intense than it is...

elyse hughes
Feb 28, 20233 min read
Getting Somewhere
When I first started writing Big Blogs, it was my way of sharing deeper and speaking truer. I’d been doing that in writing my first book,...

elyse hughes
Feb 6, 20234 min read
Rejecting The Olive Branch
I didn’t want to forget the time before the struggles began sloughing off like old, dry skin. A time when every aspect of life except my...

elyse hughes
Oct 6, 20228 min read
On Fear
You have nothing else to do and nowhere else to be. There’s only this. This page. These ideas. Now is all that matters. That’s what I...

elyse hughes
Apr 8, 20224 min read
The First Week Of April
In the first week of April, the plants took a deep breath. Everything budding, blooming, stretching out and smiling in the sun. Birds...

elyse hughes
Mar 19, 20225 min read
Why Weight Gain (or anything else) ISN'T A Result Of Spiritual Misalignment
Remembering this Divine truth — that love is who you are — is key to your healing, for your relationship to food is an area where your...

elyse hughes
Mar 12, 20223 min read
As my grandmother used to say, “Dirt will wait, but your children growing up so quickly won’t.” She didn’t mean that we should live in...

elyse hughes
Dec 12, 20213 min read
The Mic Drop
“I call that the mic drop,” I explained after flopping down sideways on the bed like a seal. He gave me the side-eye and a small laugh,...

elyse hughes
Oct 29, 20215 min read
Over It Then In It (IV of V in the Friend Breakup Series)
I had a dream that she was telling me off. Then telling me off some more. Securing the last word, yet again. Then the scenery changed to...

elyse hughes
Oct 23, 20215 min read
Cheeseburger In The Dark
I pulled into an empty parking lot outside the closed health food store, sliding into a spot under a tree that cast me in shadow,...

elyse hughes
Oct 15, 20213 min read
These In-Between Times
There are days that I wake up sad. Or it sinks in unexpectedly, out of nowhere, for reasons unknown. Everything weighted and bleak, all...

elyse hughes
Sep 25, 20214 min read
A Slower Rise
Sometimes I let the nightmares keep me in bed. I’d be lucid, but not in control, allowing turmoil to play out in front of me, scratching...

elyse hughes
Sep 18, 20213 min read
The Fallout (II of V in the Friend Breakup Series)
Why does the shit stick? Not the times we listened with our heart wide open to catch the other’s pain . . . stopped everything to be...

elyse hughes
May 8, 20172 min read
Social Cleansing (I of III in the Social Detox Series)
I always compared myself to others and cared what people thought. I lived outside my skin, energetically clinging to others so I could...

elyse hughes
Apr 30, 20177 min read
I flew down the highway on what could possibly have been classified as the perfect day. True blue skies, dotted cloud puffs, mellow...

elyse hughes
Apr 18, 20172 min read
It was a day that felt like nothing much mattered. I didn't even know if anything changing in my life would shift the leaden apathy that...
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