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elyse hughes
Aug 13, 20234 min read
Why I Don't Write
One of the reasons I don’t write as much as I can is because somewhere along the line from dream to business conception to the pursuit of...

elyse hughes
Apr 24, 20224 min read
My Magic
When too many days passed without writing, all of life became a chore. Literally, chores overwhelmed me, and suddenly, that’s all there...

elyse hughes
Nov 19, 20216 min read
On Writing, Surviving Stuckness & Living Lighter
I was convinced that I could write my way out of this. The broke years, inner angst and fear of living. The self-doubt, coping mechanisms...

elyse hughes
Apr 30, 20177 min read
I flew down the highway on what could possibly have been classified as the perfect day. True blue skies, dotted cloud puffs, mellow...
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