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elyse hughes
Jun 26, 20183 min read
Beautiful Bundles Of Contradiction
I’ve often thought that the paradox of “Me” was something to fix or rectify. I needed to act in accordance with beliefs I subscribed to...

elyse hughes
May 12, 20172 min read
Social Reset (III of III in the Social Media Detox Series)
I didn’t realize how social media was my go-to gal for avoiding emotional discomfort until we didn’t hang out anymore. I mechanically...

elyse hughes
May 8, 20172 min read
Social Cleansing (I of III in the Social Detox Series)
I always compared myself to others and cared what people thought. I lived outside my skin, energetically clinging to others so I could...

elyse hughes
Apr 18, 20172 min read
It was a day that felt like nothing much mattered. I didn't even know if anything changing in my life would shift the leaden apathy that...
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