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elyse hughes
May 12, 20172 min read
Social Reset (III of III in the Social Media Detox Series)
I didn’t realize how social media was my go-to gal for avoiding emotional discomfort until we didn’t hang out anymore. I mechanically...

elyse hughes
May 10, 20172 min read
Social Cold Turkey (II of III in the Social Media Detox Series)
I didn’t dip my toe, “ease into it” or begin with balance. I cold turkeyed social media for a month that turned into two. I let my soul...

elyse hughes
May 8, 20172 min read
Social Cleansing (I of III in the Social Detox Series)
I always compared myself to others and cared what people thought. I lived outside my skin, energetically clinging to others so I could...

elyse hughes
Apr 30, 20177 min read
I flew down the highway on what could possibly have been classified as the perfect day. True blue skies, dotted cloud puffs, mellow...

elyse hughes
Apr 18, 20172 min read
It was a day that felt like nothing much mattered. I didn't even know if anything changing in my life would shift the leaden apathy that...
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