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elyse hughes
Aug 27, 20235 min read
Decompression Mondays
I’d been feeling angsty and in my head, like I was very possibly too tender for this world where everything feels more intense than it is...

elyse hughes
Aug 13, 20234 min read
Why I Don't Write
One of the reasons I don’t write as much as I can is because somewhere along the line from dream to business conception to the pursuit of...

elyse hughes
Feb 6, 20234 min read
Rejecting The Olive Branch
I didn’t want to forget the time before the struggles began sloughing off like old, dry skin. A time when every aspect of life except my...

elyse hughes
Sep 17, 20225 min read
The Dailies
A gathering of dishes in the sink. The yard begging for water under a scorching desert sun. A litter box of pits and dunes, crusty...

elyse hughes
Apr 24, 20224 min read
My Magic
When too many days passed without writing, all of life became a chore. Literally, chores overwhelmed me, and suddenly, that’s all there...

elyse hughes
Mar 12, 20223 min read
As my grandmother used to say, “Dirt will wait, but your children growing up so quickly won’t.” She didn’t mean that we should live in...

elyse hughes
Feb 2, 20223 min read
Moon Rise
I was somewhat begrudgingly playing with my cat, when I looked out the window. The evening hours were our time, and while I cherished our...

elyse hughes
Dec 22, 20215 min read
Do I Exist? | How Social Media Affects Self-Perception
My last Instagram post was on August 23rd. My last email newsletter was July 11th, 2020 — yikes. My last Facebook post was on December...

elyse hughes
Nov 29, 20219 min read
Beanbag Mornings
I sat on the oversized beanbag that filled our living room beyond max capacity, and plopped a square velvet pillow in the diamond of my...

elyse hughes
Nov 19, 20216 min read
On Writing, Surviving Stuckness & Living Lighter
I was convinced that I could write my way out of this. The broke years, inner angst and fear of living. The self-doubt, coping mechanisms...

elyse hughes
Nov 14, 20215 min read
This Simple Life
As I snuggled under a happily matted fleece throw, tea lights glowing amber, fall air sifting through the screens, crisp and burnt — I...

elyse hughes
Nov 6, 20213 min read
Sharing, Showing Up & Learning To Live In The Virtual Age
Scratch that. Start over. What can I say? I’m too in my head and I know it. Thinking of who will read this and what they’ll think. I need...

elyse hughes
Jul 28, 20203 min read
My First Book
Three years ago, I hit one of my biggest crash-and-burns yet. I was overworking on a million different pursuits that had nothing to do...

elyse hughes
Feb 27, 20203 min read
"Too Much" Authenticity?
As a creative whose brand is storytelling inspired by my very own life, I fear judgement. If I’m honest about the lows, depression,...

elyse hughes
Nov 4, 20193 min read
I'm An HSP
Every damn day felt like starting over. My collection of crap habits was as extensive as the library in Beauty and the Beast. I had so...

elyse hughes
Oct 31, 20194 min read
How I Spend My Holidays
It was Halloween. At 4:35 pm, as the sun melted through the silhouette mesh of the mesquite canopy and my surroundings cooled into the...

elyse hughes
Aug 5, 20192 min read
Hiding From New
I slept to avoid things. Like my own unfulfilled desires. To change. Lose weight. Sit down, and write. Avoidance was a habit, long...

elyse hughes
Jul 3, 20192 min read
Shedding Vegas Skin
Just like any place you’ve lived for a long time, Las Vegas, for me, is an archive of personal history. It’s that clingy email option to...

elyse hughes
Apr 1, 20197 min read
Shitbox Slumps + A Lil' Bit A' Writing
March 1st, 2017 is a personally epic date for me. It’s the day I stepped away from three years of misguided entrepreneurial hustle and...

elyse hughes
Jan 9, 20195 min read
A Year Of Cleansing
My favorite way to drink coffee was black with stevia + a lemon ring. I loved powdered greens mixed in cold water with big ice cubes—the...
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